
Local XtendM3 Workspace

Setting up and using a local XtendM3 workspace

Table of contents

  1. ACME Corp Template Repository
  2. Lint and export
    1. Lint
    2. Export
  3. Test-compile, import and activate
    1. Setup ION API Authorization
    2. Setup Postman
      1. Setup Postman API Calls
        1. Test-compile
        2. Import
        3. Activate
      2. Setup Authorization in Postman
      3. Body Template

ACME Corp Template Repository

We can start with setting up a local workspace using the ACME Corp Template available in the Infor Cloud Github repository.
This template should also be used for setting up customer repositories to version control live extensions.

Lint and export

You can lint and export the extensions you’re working on locally using the XtendM3 Maven plugin.

To begin with, open the pom.xml file in your local workspace and make sure the latest version of the Maven plugin is used.

  • Navigate to the “build” section and the “xtendm3-maven-plugin” plugin
  • Check the version used, latest available version of the Maven plugin can be found here


To lint the extensions defined in your project, stand in the root of the project and run:

  • ./mvnw xtendm3:lint on *nix based terminals
  • mvnw.cmd xtendm3:lint on Windows based terminals


To export the extensions defined in your project, stand in the root of the project and run:

  • ./mvnw xtendm3:export on *nix based terminals
  • mvnw.cmd xtendm3:export on Windows based terminals

Test-compile, import and activate

From your local workspace, you can test-compile, import and activate your extensions using XtendM3 APIs available in ION.

Setup ION API Authorization

Authorization is done using OAuth 2.0, start setting up new authorization from ION API.

  • Open the ION API application
  • Navigate to “Authorized Apps”
  • Press the plus button on top of the list
  • Input a name, check type “Backend Service” and input a description
  • After saving you will be able to download your credentials
    • Download your credentials and open the file using a text editor of your choice

Setup Postman

Setup the authorization and requests in Postman.

Setup Postman API Calls

Create and setup the XtendM3 requests.

  • Method: POST
  • URL: https://<url>/<tenantName>/M3/extensibility/testCompile/
  • Body: see section “Body Template”
  • Headers
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Content-Length: calculated when request is sent (usually automatically generated)
    • Host: calculated when request is sent (usually automatically generated)
  • Method: POST
  • URL: https://<url>/<tenantName>/M3/extensibility/import/
  • Body: see section “Body Template”
  • Headers
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • Content-Length: calculated when request is sent (usually automatically generated)
    • Host: calculated when request is sent (usually automatically generated)
  • Method: PUT
  • URL: https://<url>/<tenantName>/M3/extensibility/active/<extensionUuid>?active=true
  • Body: no body needed
  • Headers
    • Host: calculated when request is sent (usually automatically generated)

Setup Authorization in Postman

Using the information from the credentials(.ionapi) file, setup the authorization in Postman.

  • In any previously created request, open the authorization tab
  • Set “Type” to OAuth 2.0 and “Add authorization data to” to “Request Headers”
  • Give the token a name, set “Grant Type” to “Password Credentials” and fill in the rest of the fields using information from the downloaded(.ionapi) credentials file
    • Access Token URL = pu + ot
    • Client ID = ci
    • Client Secret = cs
    • Username = saak
    • Password = sask
  • Press the button on the bottom of the “Configure New Token” page to get a new access token

Body Template

  "programModules": {
    <name_of_be_program>: {
      "program": <name_of_be_program>,
      "triggers": {
        <trigger_extension_name>: {
          "name": <trigger_extension_name>,
          "method": <method>,
          "advice": <advice>,
          "active": true/false,
          "modified": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
          "modifiedBy": <user>,
          "sourceUuid": <source_uuid>,
          "programName": <name_of_be_program>,
          "utilities": [],
          "type": "METHOD",
          "priority": <priority>
      "transactions": {},
      "batches": {}
    <name_of_batch_program>: {
      "program": <name_of_program>,
      "triggers": {},
      "transactions": {},
      "batches": {
        "sourceUuid": <source_uuid>,
        "description": <description>,
        "active": true/false,
        "modified": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
        "modifiedBy": <user>,
        "utilities": []
    <name_of_transaction_program>: {
      "program": <name_of_transaction_program>,
      "triggers": [],
      "transactions": {
        <name_of_transaction>: {
          "sourceUuid": <source_uuid>,
          "name": <name_of_transaction>,
          "program": <name_of_transaction_program>,
          "description": <description>,
          "active": true/false,
          "multi": true/false,
          "modified": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
          "modifiedBy": <user>,
          "outputFields": [
              "name": <field_name>,
              "description": <field_description>,
              "length": <field_length>,
              "mandatory": <true/false>,
              "type": <A/N>
          "inputFields": [
              "name": <field_name>,
              "description": <field_description>,
              "length": <field_length>,
              "mandatory": <true/false>,
              "type": <A/N>
          "utilities": []
      "batches": {}
  "utilities": {
    <utility_name>: {
      "name": <utility_name>,
      "sourceUuid": <source_uuid>
  "sources": {
    <source_uuid>: {
      "uuid": <source_uuid>,
      "updated": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
      "updatedBy": <user>,
      "created": <epoch_created_date>,
      "createdBy": <user>,
      "apiVersion" <apiVersion, e.g. 0.12>,
      "beVersion": <>,
      "codeHash": <codeHash, generated during export>,
      "code": <base64 encoded extension code>,
    <source_uuid>: {
      "uuid": <source_uuid>,
      "updated": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
      "updatedBy": <user>,
      "created": <epoch_created_date>,
      "createdBy": <user>,
      "apiVersion" <apiVersion, e.g. 0.12>,
      "beVersion": <>,
      "codeHash": <codeHash, generated during export>,
      "code": <base64 encoded extension code>,
    <source_uuid>: {
      "uuid": <source_uuid>,
      "updated": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
      "updatedBy": <user>,
      "created": <epoch_created_date>,
      "createdBy": <user>,
      "apiVersion" <apiVersion, e.g. 0.12>,
      "beVersion": <>,
      "codeHash": <codeHash, generated during export>,
      "code": <base64 encoded extension code>,
    <source_uuid>: {
      "uuid": <source_uuid>,
      "updated": <epoch_last_modified_date>,
      "updatedBy": <user>,
      "created": <epoch_created_date>,
      "createdBy": <user>,
      "apiVersion" <apiVersion, e.g. 0.12>,
      "beVersion": <>,
      "codeHash": <codeHash, generated during export>,
      "code": <base64 encoded extension code>,