
Exception API

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Features
    1. Interactive Exceptions
    2. MI Response Exceptions
    3. Adaptive Exception

Since: 0.5.0 Context: Any
Category: Generic


The Exception API is used to throw various XtendM3 specific exceptions, as an alternative to throwing the exception using Groovy syntax.


Listing each API and its features.

Interactive Exceptions

The following exceptions are only available to throw from interactive contexts.

Code example:

void testingExceptionAPI() {
	String customMessage = "Failed to perform task, exception thrown";
	String messageId = message.getMessage("XC00001",[]);
    if(!doWork()) {
	if(!doOtherWork()) {
  • throwShowOkDialogException(String message)
    • Throws an exception and shows dialog window with ‘Ok’ button.
    • Takes a custom message String as parameter.

  • throwShowWarningDialogException(String message)
    • Throws an exception and shows dialog window with ‘Ok’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons.
    • If the user does not click the ‘Ok’ button the program will be flagged for error.
    • Intended for use during PRE PxCHK.
    • Takes a custom message String as parameter.

  • throwShowCustomErrorException(String field, String message)
    • Throws an exception and shows custom message to the user.
    • Sets focus on given field and flags program for error.
  • throwShowErrorException(String messageID, String field)
    • Throws an exception and shows message window to the user.
    • Sets focus on given field and flags program for error.
    • Takes messageID String and field String as parameters, messageIDs can be fetched using the MessageAPI.
  • throwShowErrorException(String messageID, String messageData, String field)
    • Throws an exception and shows message window to the user.
    • Sets focus on given field and flags program for error.
    • Takes messageID String, messageData String and field String as parameters, messageIDs can be fetched using the MessageAPI and messageData is for passing data to the message.
  • throwShowCustomInfoException(String message)
    • Throws an exception and shows a custom message window to the user.
    • Takes a custom message String as parameter.
  • throwShowInfoException(String messageID)
    • Throws an exception and shows a message window to the user.
    • Takes a messageID String as parameter, messageIDs can be fetched using the MessageAPI.
  • throwShowInfoException(String messageID, String messageData)
    • Throws an exception and shows a message window to the user.
    • Takes a messageID String and messageData String as parameters, messageIDs can be fetched using the MessageAPI and messageData is for passing data to the message.

MI Response Exceptions

These exceptions are for throwing exceptions from Transaction contexts, to indicate write error.

Code example:

public void main() {
	int salesPrice = mi.inData.get("INSAPR");
	int basePrice = mi.inData.get("INAIPR");
	validateData(salesPrice, basePrice);
	int profitMargin = salesPrice - basePrice;
	if(!mi.write()) {
		String message = "Failed to write MI out parameter";

private void validateData(int param1, int param2) {
	if(param1 == 0 || param2 == 0) {
		String message = "One or both of the given parameters have value zero.";
  • throwErrorMIResponseException(String message)
    • Throws an exception and writes error response.
    • The transaction will be unable to write responses after calling this method.
  • throwErrorMIResponseException(String message, String field, String errorCode)
    • Throws an exception and writes error response.
    • The transaction will be unable to write responses after calling this method.
    • Takes custom message String, field String and errorCode String as parameters.

Adaptive Exception

The adaptive exception will adapt to the situation and throw exceptions depending on the context they are being thrown from. For instance, an adaptive exception thrown from a Transaction extension will adapt to a ErrorMIResponseException. But the same exception thrown from a Trigger extension will adapt to a ShowOkDialogException.

  • throwAdaptiveShortCircuitException
    • Throws an exception, depending on context.
    • Will default to ShowOkDialogException in interactive contexts and ErrorMIResponseException in noninteractive contexts.
    • Takes custom message String as parameter.