
Import and Export of Extensions

XtendM3 Import and Export of Extensions

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Import
    1. Structure of importing
    2. Different imports for diffrent extensions
    3. Name conflicts
  3. Export
  4. Important notes


It is possible to export and import extensions into XtendM3 environment, either one at a time or in bulk.
To import extension in bulk, create a zip-file containing the extensions in .json format.


Different types of extensions are being saved in JSON files.
Importing an extension is possible by using the import button above the extension list. After clicking that button a window will open and prompt the user to choose an extension which should be imported, or a zip-file containing several extensions.

Structure of importing

Import feature has improvement of a special interface with which you can check the file before adding it to the workspace (The Review button -> it is redirecting the window to proper sheet with the extension). The main import window contains information about the file such as its creator, date of creation and additionally the message contained - in the case of a signed extension.

Different imports for diffrent extensions

All imports are different depending on the type of extension. For example extensions with code input has a code type sheet to check. Dynamic Table has the whole structure of designed table presented in the review window.

Name conflicts

In case of importing an extension, and that name is already included in the list of available extension, it is instantly overriding the older file with the input of imported extension. Therefore, it is important to create a copy of previous file in case there is some useful data to be saved.


Extensions can be exported into a JSON file.
To export an extension select the extension from XtendM3 and click the “Export” button from the tool bar above.

Pop up window will aprear with export options:

  • Local export - exports extension cashed in the web browser
  • Database Export - fetches the latest version of the extension

After selecting one of the export options, the file will be automatically saved on local directory.

Important notes

  • Files will be overwritten in case of file name conflict. Remember to export previous extension first to save it before overwriting
  • Imported extensions are being validated, if not valid an error window will appear