
Batch Scheduling

Scheduling XtendM3 Batch Extensions

Table of contents

  1. SHS010/SHS010MI
    1. Available parameters
      1. Same day once
      2. Next weekday once
      3. Schedule executions


SHS010, or SHS010MI for the non-interactive version, is the scheduler for XtendM3 Batch Extensions. It works in a similar fashion to SHS050, which is used to schedule M3 Batch Jobs. SHS010/SHS010MI schedules executions via SHS050.

Available parameters

This section lists the available SHS010MI parameters.

Same day once

  • XNOW: execute now
  • XTOD: execute today, needs to be paired with XJTM

Next weekday once

To consider, each of these parameters needs to be paired with a time(XJTM).

  • XNMO: execute next Monday
  • XNTU: execute next Tuesday
  • XNWE: execute next Wednesday
  • XNTH: execute next Thursday
  • XNFR: execute next Friday
  • XNSA: execute next Saturday
  • XNSU: execute next Sunday

Schedule executions

To consider, each of these parameters needs to be paired with a time(XJTM).

  • XEMO: execute every Monday
  • XETU: execute every Tuesday
  • XEWE: execute every Wednesday
  • XETH: execute every Thursday
  • XEFR: execute every Friday
  • XESA: execute every Saturday
  • XESU: execute every Sunday
  • XEMT: execute every Month. Note, needs to be paired with day(XRDY) parameter

Note, mon-sun is allowed to be multi-submission. All others must be single-submission.

  • XJTM: time, format is xxxx. Ex. 1340. Timezone will be the users’ local timezone, gathered from MNS151, MNS150 and MNS100
  • XRDY: day, format is xx. Ex. 25